At Sunrise Hitek we do a fair amount of event graphics. This can include anything from a few banners, to wallpaper, or dozens of different items! A recent example was this Ogilvy CFA event.
Event graphics including easel sign, ballot box, table runner, and step and repeat backdrop.
Here you can see the pillar column wraps. These were printed on a PSA removable white vinyl with extra material around the edges to accommodate the bevel sides of the pillars, making it worry free enough for the client to install themselves!
Column graphics on PSA Removable Adhesive Vinyl.
Overall, this turned out to be a project we are really proud of. Jobs like this are a great fit for us because we print on a wide variety of substrates and are also a G7 Certified Master Printer, which ensures that color matching will be on point as seen below! ๐
Alphawood Gallery has partnered with the Japanese American Service Committee (JASC) to produce the Galleryโs first original exhibition, “Then They Came for Me: Incarceration of Japanese Americans during WWII and the Demise of Civil Liberties”. This exhibition examines a dark episode in U.S. history when, in the name of national security, the government incarcerated 120,000 citizens and legal residents during World War II without due process or other constitutional protections to which they were entitled.
Sunrise Hitek was chosen to reproduce the B&W photographs that were hung throughout the exhibit. Photographs from renowned American photographers Dorothea Lange and Ansel Adams were among the photographs selected.
“We worked closely with Michael Williams, a Chicago-based photo historian and one of the curators of the show, on the reproductions to wring the maximum impact from each image. We used custom separations, in-line varnish, and G7 calibration methodology to maintain tone and detail throughout the dynamic range” said Steve Miller from Sunrise Hitek.
Although I saw the photos in the shop, they took on a new meaning when I experienced them in the show. The photographs were so stunning and beautiful, yet the circumstances were so troubling. When you see the photos in the show they really become that much more powerful.
I highly recommend anyone that is interested to see the show. It is available for free till November 19th.